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Post, Enormego in third-party iPhone client for 37signals Basecamp interaction service has received a major upgrade. Now it is a stylish new interface iPad, possibilities for file processing, iOS 4 support, address book integration and more.
Outpost 2 received a number of new features related to attachment-you can attach a picture from your iPhone or iPad and see all the files in your account that Basecamp. Large accounts with a large number of projects are supported much better, and 2 can be integrated with your device address book contacts.
Multitasking in IOS and retina display on the iPhone (4) are now supported with this new version of Outpost Firewall Pro is now a universal application for iPhone and iPad, making the first client iPad to Basecamp.Interface iPad is brand new and highly stylized as compared with its counterpart of the iPhone.
Outpost 2 replaces the previous Basecamp Enormego client framework, after the company acquired 1 from Morfunk David Kaneda. because it is a major upgrade, Enormego Outpost 2, decided to do a completely new, paid app and not a free upgrade for users of previous Framework 2 or Outpost 1.
Post 2 is now available in App Store for $ 20. it requires iPhone, iPod touch or iPad IOS, 3.2 or a later version.


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